15 Great Pictures of Black Cats

Info media photography : Since we’re getting closer to Halloween, a post dedicated to black cats was much needed. Although some might argue that this is an entire post of bad luck, you also must admit that these 15 pictures hit a ten on a rating scale of greatness.

Lucifer Lomo by Carl Jones

Ancient roman cat by Gianluca Carnicella

Untitled by Sean Rogers

Untitled by Joy

Yoshi Is Ready For His Close-up by puck90

Two by Daniel Horacio Agostini

Mirada by Nacho

Rien à dire, ma petite! by abbesses

Cat Eyes by Trish

Le Chat Noir by nebojsa mladjenovic

Paranoid Eyes by Leon Rice-Whetton

Mimine joue à cache-cache, chat noire by BreesyBreizh

Still by meckey

black cat by postbear

A Black Cat Crosses My Path Every Day by Alan Turkus

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