Sabelo Mlangeni, 1980, is a South African documentary photographer. He was able to study photography thanks to a bursary from the Market Photo Workshop and graduated in 2004. In 2010 he released the book Country Girls, an intimate portrait of gay life in the countryside of South-Africa. The areas in which he photographed are rough and poor, yet Sabelo shows that glamour is also present. He worked on this project for six years, focusing on drag queens, hairstylists and beauty pageant contestants who are still often perceived as un-African or un-Christian. Besides Country Girls he also released the series Men Only as a book and a catalogue containing his series At Home and Ghost Towns. Ghost Towns concentrates on small towns that have been abandoned due to immigration towards the country's urban areas. His work has been shown at several venues in South-Africa, UK, Germany, Italy and the US. The following images come from the series Ghost Towns, Country Girls and At Home.
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